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Hardship for Traditional Cleaning Service
Cleaning (laundry ) service is a basic and essential industry which is needed for both high-tech clients and traditional service industry such as hospitals and hotels. However, because it is characterized by low capital intensity, high labor intensity, and low barriers to entry, clients usually disregard and pay less attention on cleaning industry, which causes it lack of economies of scale, difficulty in retaining talent, and a fragmented industry structure.
Lack of economies of scale
Difficulty in retaining talent
Fragmented industry structure
Smart Laundry Management Practice with AUTO-identification System
With the rapid advancement of modern technology and information system, the adoption of digital technologies into labor-intensive service industries can transform traditional industries and create new peaks for businesses.
FEATURES of Smart Cleaing Management
Smart cleaning management practice is combined with on-premises system and cloud system. RFID technology is adopted on clothes identification and data collecting for cloud system,on-time summarize and utilize through the whole factory processes for statistical analysis.
On-premises System